Artworks I love

A list of artists and their work that I fell in love with while searching for alive, contemporary artists for blog/assignment #2.

Alice Neel

David McKee and his First Wife Jane


oil on canvas

152.1 x 102cm

Nina Beier

Women & Children


found bronze sculptures

I found this piece, and most others in this blog in frieze magazine issue no. 243. To find these images I went online to download them and get the basic information of the piece so I didn't have to go looking in the magazine again but surprisingly - to me at least - I found barely any information online, granted I did not look long but normally the information is all right there. So I went back into the magazine and instantly got the information. It just kind of surprised me that the information of this piece was not online, it makes me appreciate information of paper more. 

Faith Ringgold

Tar Beach 2



66 x 67 inches

Vera Molnar

Lettre de ma Mère


Silk screen printing on paper

32 x 42 cm

The original of the piece above was created with pen on paper when Molnar decided to copy the look of her mothers letters. 

Molnar's works make me so happy and make me smile when I see her mothers letters series because when I used to doodle in my school notebook during class in high school and junior high it used to look like this. I would write my notes in the front of the notebook and then flip to the back when I had time to doodle, more like doodle the whole class and flip to the front of the notebook when I absolutely needed to write something down. I love these repetitive doodles/drawings because I absolutely love to draw these lines myself. When I write notes in any class I have to doodle on the side of my paper to focus to the professor. Molnar's artwork speaks to me. I wish I could choose her art for blog #2 but she passed in 2023 at 99 years old. 

Thomas Woodruff

Angus D.


Acrylic on canvas

60 x 48 in

I found this piece in the Artforum magazine issue no. 9.

I actually gasped when I saw this piece in the magazine. It is AMAZING. I love it so so so much. I love the colours and the chaos and the light. The light is my favourite. Below are a few more pieces I found online when looking up Thomas Woodruff.


The Large Bathers


Acrylic on canvas

Three panels, 96 x 120 in overall



Acrylic on canvas

78 x 60 in

Danse Macabre


Acrylic on canvas

90 x 72 in

Thomas Woodruff has many other pieces and they are all amazing.

Thought I would share what I have found when researching for an assignment.


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